Papers count; for example if you want to get a new job.
Spanish at Locations Schools in Turrialba, Bocas del Toro, Boquete and Panama City prepare students for official D.E.L.E exams in San José and Panama City.
The prices vary around $100 per exam.
We will guide you through the inscription process that you will complete directly with the examination centers at the universities. If you want to know which exam level you have a good chance to pass, get in touch with me ( and I will do a free assessment test. I can tell you which exam you can pass with a certain amount of preparation. Minimum amount of preparation is two weeks.
Remember you are in good hands with Spanish at Locations when it comes to learning Spanish and proving what you have learned. Ingrid Lommers has earned her Masters in Teaching Spanish as a foreign language and has 18 years experience in teaching Spanish and of course, most importantly, Spanish at Locations has great, well trained, experienced, enthusiastic and engaged teachers who love to teach you. They will make sure you learn Spanish, pass an exam (if that is your goal) and enjoy the process!