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Spanish & Adventure – PANAMA

Wow! Learn Spanish & enjoy nature in Panama which this package.

Best places and activities of  Boquete (mountains) and Bocas del Toro (island) are included. At both locations you can add other activities for an extra cost or volunteer work. You can also arrive before or stay afterwards, paying $12 per night for a shared room at our hostel.

Locations for Spanish & Adventure – PANAMA

Spanish & Adventure – PANAMA in Bocas del Toro

In Boquete: 2 weeks Standard Spanish, shared room in our Boquete hostel, free activities like yoga, zumba, salsa, movie night and in the weekend in the middle of the 2 weeks, day excursion horseback riding in the mountains. Shuttle bus + 30 min boat trip from Boquete to Bocas.
In Bocas del Toro : pick.up busstation, 2 weeks Standard Spanish, shared room in our Bocas del Toro hostel, free activities, first day a Catamaran trip with snorkeling & food included. In the weekend in the middle of the 2 weeks, visit Zapatillas island, located in the National Marine Park; with dolphins & sloths spotting and use of the "anfibia board" for snorkeling.

$ 1299 - Booking & prices

View our location in Bocas del Toro

Spanish & Adventure – PANAMA in Boquete

In Boquete: 2 weeks Standard Spanish, shared room in our Boquete hostel, free activities like yoga, zumba, salsa, movie night and in the weekend in the middle of the 2 weeks, day excursion horseback riding in the mountains. Shuttle bus + 30 min boat trip from Boquete to Bocas.
In Bocas del Toro : pick.up busstation, 2 weeks Standard Spanish, shared room in our Bocas del Toro hostel, free activities, first day a Catamaran trip with snorkeling & food included. In the weekend in the middle of the 2 weeks, visit Zapatillas island, located in the National Marine Park; with dolphins & sloths spotting and use of the "anfibia board" for snorkeling.

Start dates in 2016*: every sunday of the year!
*Arrival before these dates no problem.

$ 1299 - Booking & prices

View our location in Boquete