Boquete: Other hostels & hotels
It can easily happen that our own hostel is full or that you prefer to stay in Bajo Boquete instead of Alto Boquete where we are located. It can also be that you prefer something different, more private or with more luxury.
For this reason we have selected the best options in the area for you in the three categories: budget, middle-class or luxury.
You can contact the following hotels yourself or let us do the job for you. If you contact them yourself, we recommend you tell them that Spanish by the River – Boquete referred you to them.
If you can’t find what you prefer, just write us a message explaining exactly what you are looking for and we will do our best to find a good match for you!
Refugio del Rio is located in the center of the village and next to a small creek and is known in town as the “luxurious” hostel. There are dorms and private rooms.
Call: +507 720 2088 / 6676 5786
Middle – class:
Isla Verde is located three minutes walking from the center of the village, surrounded by an exotic garden and close to the river. They offer roundhouses and suites equipped with everything you need. If you like peace, nature and delicious food this is the place for you.
Call : +507 720 2533 / 6724 3714
The Haven – Boquete is situated in lush gardens and offers mountain views, free WiFi, a well-equipped gym and a spa with a swimming pool, saunas and hot tubs. The elegant rooms include bed linens and flat screen TVs. There is also a mini-bar and facilities for making tea and coffee.
Call: +507 720 2685
Especially for students that want to travel, learn Spanish ánd visit 4 of our amazing locations!