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Center for Indigenous Families in Turrialba

The Center for Indigenous Families in Turrialba is part of an international Action Program in Costa Rica. The centre provides a safe, comfortable place for Cabécar families, who must journey long hours on foot to have access to medical care. Originally started exclusively for pregnant women that needed a place to stay in the days just before and after the birth of a child or in the event of the hospitalization of a child. Additionally, the Center is now open to all family members that need a place to stay.

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Locations for Center for Indigenous Families in Turrialba

Center for Indigenous Families in Turrialba in Turrialba

Health education workshops and resources for Cabécar families are other important services that the Ju Cabécar offers.

Original Mission: lower infant and maternal mortality rates and increase the overall health of Cabécar children in their first year of life.

Possible activities for interns:

Your job will start at 14:00. Your schedule can be from 14:00 till 20:00 (for the days that you want) You will first be presented to the ladies & other guests and introduced to the personal situations and illnesses of all the current guests.  As an intern you are expected to prepare and have educational talks & workshops for them about i.e.:

preparation for birth, breastfeeding, birth control
personal care & hygiene
indigenous people & women's rights
domestic violence
child development, efficient studying
You can teach by giving workshops, and giving individual advice, but also in a more organic way, during your interaction with them. Also, you can help out with the program for the little children (play, paint, teach them healthy habits like toothbrushing), help prepare dinner, make the beds, talk to the mothers (there is a high percentage of teen mothers), hold babies while mothers can do something else they need to do as well as help older kids (boys and girls) by talking to them and study together with them. Doing sports has also been proven to be an excellent way to break the ice and have a more meaningful experience. All these activities make it easier to gain trust and start a conversation with guests.

An important project that can be started by the intern is developing a long-term follow-up program, to make sure contact with the mothers will be maintained. An idea is to implement a child development plan in which on a structural basis, mothers come to the center to keep educating themselves. There is a desk with a laptop at the house where you can work.

Students in social legal counseling can help these women by researching their rights and by helping the women to get to know their rights and the ways to execute this. For example, a brochure about this in simple words and a clear explanation about these possibilities and contact information would be a very good contribution for this foundation.


The President of the Association, Executive Director will be your supervisor. She will be available for your questions and weekly evaluations. She has a degree in Psychology and also has a Doula certificate. Her first language is English, but she also speaks Spanish at a high level.


The shelter is open 7 days a week, every day of the year. There are 16 beds available. The intern can help prepare afternoon coffee and bread and dinner and the intern can share this food with the users of the hostel. A table with a computer is available for use by the intern.


Please contact info@spanishatlocations.com

Just to be clear:

Spanish at Locations provides internships for all kinds of study programs. Besides the available vacancies on the website, we also offer a wide range of other internships. If you have a specific request, send us an e-mail and we will do our best to help you.

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